One fascinating aspect of Snapchat, it’s designed for privacy. They don’t track or target users like Facebook or Google. The app is designed to be private. And their CEO is an interesting guy.
All of this stems from Snapchats product, which works differently from everything that came before it. Private messages self-destruct after theyre read. Users film and watch videos vertically, not horizontally, because its the same way they actually hold their phones. Publishers and brands are lined up around the block to give Snapchat their content, which wont even drive traffic back to their own website theres no way for them to link back out of the app.
Unlike, say, Facebook, which knows as much about you as some of your closest friends, Snapchat doesn’t ask you to tell it everything about yourself, and it doesn’t follow you around the internet to collect your data. As a result, its not targeting you with the very personal ads that Facebook is known for and Spiegel thinks are “creepy.” (More on that soon.)