What’s the educational case for integration?
There are three reasons: the kids, the parents and the teachers.
Kids who have big dreams and are expecting to go on to college are less likely to cause disruption, cut classes and are more likely to be academically engaged.
On average, those peers are found more often in economically mixed than in high-poverty schools.
It’s also an advantage to be in a classroom where your peers are high-achieving. For example, children of professionals have bigger vocabularies on average than low-income students, and that will rub off.
As for the parents, again, not attaching any blame, but middle-class parents are more likely to be PTA members and volunteer in class. That parental involvement benefits every child in a school.
And finally, the teachers deemed more effective are more likely to be found in economically mixed schools. That has to do with those first two factors. It’s easier to teach in a school with fewer discipline issues and with parents who are there to help out.
A friend of mine is passionate about this issue. I believe there’s something to this.