Somehow, unfiltered has become boring. Cheri Lucas Rowlands recalls:
I strolled underneath the iconic dome and gazed up, put the bulky Nikon around my neck, and reached into my purse for my iPhone to take the shot above me instead. Then I opened Instagram, ran a filter over it, and posted it — to send it off into the world to be liked and viewed for its moment of glory, and to shortly after join the stream of other Instagrams disappearing into our Internet wasteland.
Not only is unfiltered boring, but everything seems fleeting; web content, uploaded photos, perhaps even this very article. And why wouldnt Internet content be fleeting? Its so easy to consume! News aggregator apps on our iPhone let us scroll through mountains of news each day. With increasing numbers of Facebook friends, or people you follow on Instagram or Twitter, you are provided with an ever-scrolling page of content to peruse.
Content on the web is everywhere — in fact the web is defined by content — and its proliferation and exponentially increasing output, seemingly day-by-day, is mind boggling.
But you probably already know this.