Imagine, for a moment, that you (yes, you) were the next Steve Jobs: what would your (real) challenges be? I’d bet they wouldn’t be scale (just call FoxConn), ef ciency (call FoxConn’s consultants), short- term pro tability (call FoxConn’s consultants’ bankers), or even “growth” (call FoxConn’s consultants’ bankers’ lobbyists). Those are the problems of yesterday – and today, here’s the thing: we largely know how to solve them.

Whether you’re an assiduous manager, a chin-stroking economist, a superstar footballer, or a rumpled artist, here’s the unshakeable fact: you don’t get to tomorrow by solving yesterday’s problems.

To solve today’s set of burning problems, you just might have to build new institutions, capable of handling stuff a little something like this…